čtvrtek 1. dubna 2010

Jak je to se zbraněmi aneb firearms renting

Pokusil jsmem se dát dohromady info k zapůjčení zbraní na Špicberkách.  Na Svalbard.net jsou uvedeny dvě půjčovny se střelnými zbraněmi. Bohužel každá z ních prezentuje trochu jiný přístup k půjčovaní zbraní.

Půjčovna Ing. G. Paulsen AS
Nabízí například Mauser 30-06 za následující ceny: per Day 125,- per 1st and 2nd week 650,- per 3rd and further weeks 300,-
a na svých stránkách říká: The weapon shall only be used as protection or self defence against polar bears. You need no special permission or weapons license too hire a rifle. For rental over 4 weeks the Sysselmannen must grant special permission.

Půjčovna Sportcenteret
Nabízí Mauser M98 30.06 za Nok 200.- pr day/24 hours or Nok 1000.- pr. week.
Up front you will have to pay a deposit in cash for the gun and ammo Nok 1.200.- and your rent will be deducted from this. We offer a discount on the rent if you rent a gun for more than 1 week.
A dále říká...If you want to rent a gun you will have to show a permit from your home country showing you are fit to carrying firearms. International weapons passport or gun license. Military or lawenforcement personel may use their service id`s.
In special cases if you do not have any permit from your home country there is a possebility to get a permit from the Gouvernor of Svalbard, application time for this can be up to one month.

A tohle potvrzuje i text na serveru Svalbard.net :


Polar bears are essentially everywhere on Svalbard – also during the summer. We therefore recommend that you bring a weapon with you on all trips outside of the settlements. Large-bore rifles are absolutely the best defence against polar bears. If you do not have any weapon training, you should only go on organised tours with local guides. Weapons may be rented locally. Visitors with weapon training and/or a hunter’s licence should bring documentation thereof. In addition, you should bring shocking devices such as signal pistols or signal pens with flash cracks, firecrackers, gunfires or sirenes. If you are to spend the night in a tent or under the open sky, the campsite should be secured with tripwire warning flares.

Jen pro info jak vypadá puška co se na Svalbardu půjčuje

Další možností je (a obě půjčovny ji nabízejí) signální pistole. Obě půjčovny se odvolávají na stránky guvernéra Špicberk, zde je vyhláška, která nás bude zajímat nejvíce.

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